Social Media

The foundation in the world of social media

With the redesign of our visual presence, we have also been more active on social networks for several months now. In addition to our Facebook account and LinkedIn profile, we are now also bringing you closer to what’s happening with the Swiss Children’s Hospice Foundation on Instagram.

Anja Rötheli and Noëlle Schmid are responsible for the design of the Instagram channel. Both were already part of the cooperation with the ZHdK. As co-responsible for the overall image, they are now developing the content for the social media presence in close collaboration with Nicola Presti, Communications Officer at the Foundation. ‘We want to share our work with you now – before the Flamingo Children’s Hospice opens – via our social networks,’ says Nicola Presti.

We have defined various content priorities for our Instagram channel. The first is to provide information about children’s hospice work in Switzerland and paediatric palliative care. We try to answer frequently asked questions about the topic and explain key terms. ‘We want to shed light on children’s hospice work from different perspectives,’ says Noëlle Schmid. For example, with videos of affected parents talking about their everyday lives. Or with text contributions, where we show the difference between an adult hospice and a children’s hospice, among other things.

The second focus is currently on documenting current activities: With current pictures, we take you on a holiday week in the Grisons mountains or to the construction site in Fällanden. We accompany the construction process from the ground-breaking ceremony to the opening and document existing offers such as the Davos Family Holiday Weeks. After the opening of the children’s hospice, another focus will be on the reports from the ‘Flamingo’. We plan to present the various therapies on offer at the hospice, look over the shoulders of staff at work and document tours in and around the centre.

Anja Rötheli emphasises: ‘Our Instagram account is aimed at a broad audience. On the one hand, the content is intended to reach interested people who have previously had little contact with children’s hospice work. At the same time, the aim is to give those who already know the children’s hospice or will visit it later a more concrete idea of the services on offer.

Existing and future supporters: We want to inform them about current donation opportunities and show them the progress of our programmes.

We look forward to you following our foundation’s work on @kinderhospizschweiz in the future.